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Photography is a pastime time many people enjoy. Snapping a few pictures from your cellphone can be seen nearly everywhere. That said, not everyone is cut out to be a photographer. Few people try to turn it into a profession. Whether you’re an amateur trying to improve your skills or a professional honing your craft, these five must-have tips for traveling photography are for you.

1. Appropriate Cameraimg

This sounds obvious, but the fact is most people don’t understand the equipment they need for the job. Cameras come with an array of different sensors, image qualities, frame rates (FPS), and a wealth of other options. Many offer high-quality videos as well. The truth of the matter is if you’re a traveling photographer, you’re going to want access to several different options. The perfect way to make sure you have a 4k video camera when you need it is by renting it. That way, all your needs are met.

Looking for higher frame rates? Not a problem. Need a camcorder with full HD and 4K capabilities? Done. When you rent a camera, you have no limits. Lenses, headphones, and other accessories will arrive in the mail. This guarantees that you’ll the equipment you need rather than just making it work with a camera that just doesn’t have the pixels or FPS you need.

2. Financial Backing

Every company needs money. Unfortunately, not every photographer has the funds to secure what they need in a typical business day. A common way for business owners to secure necessary funds is with a chattel mortgage. This gives the borrower access to the assets they need, while the lender holds the purchased asset as collateral. A chattel is specifically designed to give business cash with which to purchase an asset.

Many traveling photographers need to, well, travel. A chattel loan would be a great way to purchase a traveling office, also known as a mobile home. A chattel loan often has several perks as well. These loans tend to have a lower interest rate than a conventional loan. The asset provides a lower risk to the borrower. Additionally, existing debts aren’t scrutinized as much. Also, the list of important documents you need to have to apply for this type of loan is shorter.

3. Masterful Organization


Though the days of film rolls are behind us, that doesn’t mean you’ll have so little equipment it won’t need to be organized. Nor does it mean hard copy stills aren’t relevant. The opposite is true. People want to know what the photos you produce look like in hard copy, not just as a JPG file. Keeping a stack of them on hand while you are traveling is a great way to network and get your product out there.

Custom Folders make this experience the best it can be. This is due to several reasons. A presentation folder looks both professional and elegant. You can utilize your own photography on the custom folder itself to add an additional image for people to view your work. Additionally, you can have them made with business card slits. This way, your graphic design logo and contact information can be neatly displayed on the business cards without distracting from your work.

4. Trusted Notebook

Another item every photographer should carry is a notebook. This should go with you everywhere, sometimes when the video camera stays at home. That’s so you can visualize your ideas before putting them into practice. It also allows for you to just experience the place without considering it work. To note what’s in your field of view without the lens.

But the notebook can also be a place where you make notes on your mood, if you talked to any locals, and other interesting facts that can’t be easily stored on a digital camera. You can jot down ideas for improving the light quality or adjusting the shutter speed. It’s also a way to document your travels that can’t be stored in the image. A picture is worth a thousand words, but words are our thoughts made manifest. There’s truly no end to what you might want to document in a notebook like this.

5. Unencumbered Travel

The final tip isn’t an item at all. Rather, it’s a state you’ll want to find yourself in every time you travel, and that’s to travel with only what’s necessary. Being burdened with unnecessary cables, microphones, and other accessories can hinder the place you can easily reach. They weigh you down. Make the adjustment to plan your photoshoots. Write your plans down in your notebook so you can rent the camera you need for the job. Traveling light will allow you to travel longer and further.

Unencumbered travel also means emotional baggage. Many people around the world, particularly in the United States, say they suffer from excess stress. Do your best to leave the worries on your home base behind. Don’t think about your mortgage when you are out on your photographic adventure. Those stressors have no authority over you when you’re on the road.

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