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Manufacturing plays a significant role in the trucking industry. That much is clear, but how these two sectors interlock with one another is a little more complex. Manufacturing and distribution function as a pair of hands. While one creates the products that consumers rely on, the other facilitates the access that clients require in order to procure the services of millions of large and small businesses.

In this article, you will come to better understand how each half of this relationship functions with the other and learn how technological upgrades within the manufacturing world have reinvented the way in which products reach consumers on the retail shelves and at their front doors.

Customized digital solutions are creating client-focused production channels.


Whether considering the manufacturer-client or supplier-consumer relationship, the manufacturing and fabrication industry is getting smarter, faster, and more focused on technological solutions to age-old problems and hang-ups. Manufacturing solutions like FatJ make for packaging line reliability unlike ever before. FatJ entered the marketplace as a digital marketing service for trucking and supply chain hire streamlining. Since its inception, though, FatJ has evolved into full-service recruitment and advertising platform that connects manufacturers with distributors, suppliers, and even B2B clients.

Manufacturing runs on innovation and connectivity, and solutions like the FatJ suite help industry leaders maintain their cutting-edge services. Also, up-and-comers are able to integrate these types of solutions into their native processes in order to compete on a wider stage.

Hard assets are advancing the production floor as well.


In line with software and digital upgrades are streamlined physical additions to the warehouse floor. A case erector and sealer unit is now a common sight in warehouses and manufacturing centers, ranging from massive scale to small local outlets. Case erectors tend to represent a small segment of one’s mind when they think about the manufacturing process. Yet the handling of carton and box construction is something that can really eat away at your productivity once you’ve seen an acceleration of growth in production.

In order to fabricate cases with optimal durability and efficiency in the packaging line, you’ll want to swap over to an automated case erector solution. Taking essential hands off of the shipping container building tasks and reassigning them to more demanding spaces is a great way to reduce labor costs and speed up the process of package creation all at the same time. Box erectors can build and seal double or single wall boxes in a matter of seconds, well beyond the capacity of a human operator. Also, case erectors and case sealers (or a dual-purpose model) come with a series of standard features that make the shipping process a breeze once construction or fabrication has completed on a new batch of whatever your firm specializes in.

Care erectors are helping businesses compete in a rapidly changing world. The trending volume of online shopping that consumers are engaging in is only going to keep increasing as the years pass by. Amazon, eBay, and others began this market revolution, and now virtually every merchant on the planet utilizes some variety of shipping and packaging line service in order to better facilitate contact with clients. Fostering this personal connection with clients through the use of a digital medium may seem odd at first glance, but the trend is a long time coming, with consumers always on the lookout for faster service times and less required input on their part.

On top of this long-term evolution, the Covid-19 pandemic has reimagined the field of manufacturing in a way that will only hasten this pace. With workers remaining at home and retailers shuttered around the country and beyond, digital consumerism and the need for faster delivery, manufacturing, and packaging are only going to grow stronger.

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