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Launching a new product or service is a daunting proposition, no matter where your place is in the market. Trying to woo new customers with a flashy new service line or build a market presence from scratch takes a mountain of effort. The level of commitment to market research needed is obvious, but less widely known are the abundant usability testing tools that you can leverage to streamline this difficult process and ensure a successful rollout.

1. PlaybookUX user testing and interviews

Usability testing tools are essential for making critical decisions on design and other features. With PlaybookUX, this can be done remotely, with AI-driven reporting and advanced audience-screening capabilities. You’ll receive video insights and understand exactly what your audience thinks about your designs. You can ask PlaybookUX to recruit participants for you, or ask your current customers to participate in these video-based sessions.

2. Hotjar mouse heatmapping

Evaluating where your users are directing their mouse, and by extension their gaze, is a powerful way to judge a visitor’s interest in and motivation for visiting your site. Gauging the interest in typified users is a fantastic view into the minds and online behavior of your users that can help you better curate your content for the greatest impact.

3. App optimization with Appsee

Similar to the desktop heatmap metrics that streamline your online presence, Appsee metrics can help you to optimize your application usability. This tool allows you to see screen replays of user interactions with your offerings, as well as app heatmaps similar to desktop mouse visualizations.

4. Do Marketing Differently with ConversionXL Expertise

Developing your own online expertise in client conversion is essential to the future of your business. But you can employ ConversionXL’s suite of services while you’re building your skills in the classroom. Learning to read the metrics of the marketplace from the mindset of your customers will better enable you to convert passive viewers into lifelong customers. Enrolling in a short course will assure continued success in your online segment.

5. Poll users with SurveyMonkey

Creating free polls to communicate with your users can help you to stay fresh in their minds while also eliciting invaluable insight into your products and services straight from the users. Creating a new survey with SurveyMonkey is a quick solution to a lack of data surrounding your products and can boost your visibility in the process.

6. Form polling from Typeform

You can employ a user form-styled polling approach to learn from respondents more conversationally. This helps transmit information that flows more freely from your users and can elicit more candid responses from those surveyed.

7. Strengthen your research with Qualtrics’ advanced data

If quick-hit polling isn’t your thing, launching a full-scale market research campaign using the advanced data collection processes offered by Qualtrics will get the job done. This suite of research analytics can crunch online survey forms, email blasts, or even in-person polling data to deliver key insights into the minds and habits of your customers.

8. Prototyping

Once you have established a proof-of-concept with robust market research, you can start building. Where to start can be difficult for many novice creators. Building a digital prototype with powerful tools from InVision or Flinto’s suite of Mac-specific app-building tools should be your first choice in this arena. Prototyping can save you considerable time and money as you establish the parameters of an online presence or physical product.

9. Debugging before the rollout

You need an app debugging and crash reporting tool in your tool kit long before an official rollout so you can introduce the most professional product possible. Bugsee is the tool to help you catch even the smallest programming hang-ups that could sink your product before it has a chance to penetrate the market.

10. Complete the cycle with continual platform research

Just after the launch is the best time to collect metrics that help you judge how your product is performing in real time. Get a continual picture of your online performance with FullStory analytics. By following trends and taking a deep dive into your site’s user experience issues and successes, you can tailor updates and new product releases to best interpret what your users are thinking.

Engaging with usability testing tools to launch your next venture is key to  reaching the success you’re hoping for. It’s never too early to start testing the viability of your product.

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