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PTSD or post traumatic stress disorder. Psychotherapist Taking Notes During Session with patient

We all experience traumatic events at some point in our lives. Many people think of traumatic events as being life-threatening events, such as car accidents, natural disasters, or being the victim of a crime. While these events can be very traumatic, there are many other events that can cause trauma as well. There are many coping mechanisms we can use to deal with the aftermath of a traumatic experience. Keep reading to learn more about how to cope with a traumatic event and when you should reach out for help, such as from Peak Psychological Services.


There are many different coping mechanisms that people use after a traumatic event. Denial is one of them. It is a way for people to push away the painful memories and emotions associated with the event. It can help people to function in their everyday lives, even though they may be feeling a lot of pain and grief on the inside.

Denial is not a healthy coping mechanism in the long run, however. It can keep people from dealing with their feelings and can keep them from moving on with their lives. It can also prevent them from getting the help they need to heal from the trauma. If you are experiencing denial after a traumatic event, it is important to seek out help. There are many resources available to you, including counselling, therapy, and support groups. Talk to someone who can help you work through your feelings and start to heal.



Addiction can be seen as a coping mechanism after a traumatic event. For example, someone who has been sexually assaulted may turn to alcohol or drugs to help them cope with the pain they are feeling. This can become a dangerous cycle, as addiction can further traumatize the individual. It is important to seek help from a professional to address both the addiction and the underlying trauma.


People often turn to alcohol or drugs to cope with a traumatic event. However, withdrawal is also a common coping mechanism. When people experience a traumatic event, their body releases a flood of stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. This can trigger the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the “fight or flight” response. When the body is in this state, it’s difficult to calm down and relax. Withdrawal can help to achieve this.

People often use substances such as alcohol or drugs to calm down and relax. However, these substances can actually perpetuate the “fight or flight” response. By withdrawing, people can break the cycle and allow their bodies to calm down naturally. This can be an effective way to cope with a traumatic event. It’s important to note that withdrawal is not a cure-all. It’s only one part of a larger coping strategy. In order to be effective, withdrawal must be accompanied by other coping mechanisms such as therapy, support groups, and self-care.



Dissociation is a coping mechanism that can develop after a traumatic event. It is a way to disconnect from painful memories or feelings. Dissociation can cause a sense of detachment or numbness. It can also cause you to feel like you are watching yourself from outside your body. Dissociation can be helpful in the short term. It can allow you to function in spite of the pain. However, if it becomes your primary way of coping, it can be detrimental to your mental health.

Coping mechanisms are important for traumatic events because they allow people to manage their thoughts and feelings related to the event. However, not all of them are healthy. The above coping mechanisms can be detrimental to mental health, and individuals experiencing them should reach out for help.

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