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If you run a large, enterprise-level business, you know how complicated things can get just because of the sheer size of your company. With multiple departments and different geographic headquarters, keeping things on the same page can be a major challenge to keeping your business’s operations on track and effective. Being able to integrate each of your teams, even if they’re in disparate locations, is crucial if you want to perform well each quarter. When it comes to creating cohesion within your company, technology has a vital role to play.

One of the most important areas technology can help your enterprise with is the world of cybersecurity. Larger enterprises are becoming more and more susceptible to cybersecurity hacks, as many high-profile data leaks have illustrated over the past few years. Using application integration tools (also referred to as APIs) can be key to managing a wide range of tasks within your enterprise, cybersecurity included. Read on to discover the ways that APIs can form a powerful foundation for your business’ digital wellbeing, from protecting your data to improving productivity.

How can APIs be used for cybersecurity at your business?


Application integration is pivotal for enterprises in today’s fast-paced, technocentric workplace. Software solutions are changing the way that teams work in powerful ways, and being able to have each of those platforms work in tandem can make or break many enterprises. Application integration serves as a bridge between different systems, platforms, and data sets, meaning that your employees can save a lot of time exporting and importing data from disparate software solutions. Beyond connecting different components of your business, APIs allow you to stay flexible, too, since you can adapt to different needs by integrating other features and tools as your enterprise scales.

In terms of cybersecurity, application integration has some powerful benefits. For starters, more traditional ways of managing your company’s data actually put it at risk, since they’re less secure and sophisticated than the options available to you with application integration. Integrating another layer of data security also means that your developers and engineers don’t have to handle the heavy lift of building those sorts of features into what they develop, too. This allows them to focus on creating the best software possible and marrying it with industry-leading security platforms instead.

Which software platforms can help you identify cybersecurity threats?


Just as it’s important to integrate all aspects of your business in order to run more fluidly, it’s just as important to ensure that your integrated workflow is paired with the right cybersecurity software. Cyber-threat intelligence software can be particularly important for larger businesses since threats can come at you from so many directions. The right software solution should help you not only protect your devices and networks, but also help you ensure that each facet of your company is up-to-date in regards to the latest, most secure versions of the software they rely on to do business. In situations where advanced attacks are being enacted against your company, the right security solution can help you determine the right pathway to choose when handling complex threats.

Clearly, application integration can do wonders for your enterprise in a variety of ways. When your company functions like a well-oiled machine, not only will you be more productive, but you’ll also be able to manage your cybersecurity efforts more effectively. With the power of APIs and the right cybersecurity platform, even an enterprise with many departments and hundreds of employees can find success. If you keep the above information in mind as you choose how to strengthen your company, you’ll be well on your way to protecting and improving your business for many years to come.

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